Top 10 SaaS Questions To Ask and Answer

Customer: Have you reasonable assurance that your Project will be delivered on-time? What sort of contract remedies should you include to help support that result? What rights should you have regarding personnel assigned, and how can you help ensure they remain dedicated to your project through completion? How do you help ensure that your Projects […]

Technology FAQs

Technology FAQs and Success CasesLarge Storage Integration ProjectStrategic National SubcontractSoftware Reseller Integration ProjectInvestment vs Risky ProjectStatement of Work (SOW)Large Storage Integration Project Challenge: A large storage manufacturer wanted to engage a local VAR/Integrator to assist in  integrating their products  with certain 3rd party products and delivering a solution to the manufacturer's customers, with the VAR [...]

Contract Remedies

Have you ever been confronted with a delivery scenario where you recognize that with just a little more effort, staff or resource of some sort, a potentially larger issue could be quickly and efficiently resolved? It’s much more valuable to all concerned to help avoid, or remediate, a problem early and efficiently, rather than try […]

Acceptance Testing, Part 2 of 2

“Acceptance” sounds so simple, so what’s the big deal? Acceptance is a transformational event in the world of Consulting Service Projects whether you are the Customer or the Consultant. On one side, everything leading up to acceptance is pre-sales (i.e. non-billable), and everything afterwards is post sale (billable),and you have very different legal rights depending […]

No obligation, Always Free Consultation

I am a legal professional specialized in helping companies of all sizes develop, negotiate and/or modify consulting contracts, licenses (in-bound or out-both), SOWs, HR agreements and other business related financial transactions. This experience provides a powerful resource in navigating the challenges tech companies and tech consumers face in growing their business, managing their risks and maximizing their profits.


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